沐 [mù] - to cleanse, to receive, to be immersed
MUSOAP was founded on the simple idea that taking care of your skin and being kind to the planet can co-exist together. 
Formulated with the modern health and eco-conscious individual in mind, Musoap products incorporate the rich traditions of Chinese herbs and ingredients into their formulations to provide the gentle cleansing our bodies seek. 
Musoap is positioned as a clean, gender-neutral brand with nods to the founder's Asian heritage that differentiates it from its competitors.
Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
Taking inspiration from the mandarin character 沐 [mù] as well as the imagery of a soap bar resting on a soap dish,  the resulting logo mark was derived accordingly to reflect the zen and stillness through simple lines.
The founder was keen to share her love for making natural soaps with eco-conscious consumers but needed a strong angle to differentiate her brand from the many other handmade bar soaps sold at pop-up markets. 
With Asian heritage ingredients the base for her core product line, we sought to elevate the bathing experience as an affordable luxury, where soaps that lather luxuriously are non-toxic, smell good and look good in the shower.
Musoap's commitment to sustainability was also reflected in the design ethos to keep to low-waste packaging that use FSC-certified paper, soy ink and an option for customers to choose zero labels or packaging.
Julien Koh
↗︎ Visit the Musoap website
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