Design and create an identity for The Great Local Lunch, Australia's biggest crowd-farmed feast and a feature event of the National Sustainable Living Festival that brings together over 200 local farmers, backyard growers, eager gleaners and forward-thinking foodies to gather on the banks of the Yarra River for a delicious celebration of urban agriculture, native and seasonal ingredients, and sustainable food production.
The Great Local Lunch
In line with the 20th Sustainable Living Festival's theme of Disruption, the approach was to consider a graphical interpretation of what disruption means - disrupting mass consumerism and going back to where we started, to celebrate the freshness of local produce and the unaltered foods that are good for us.
Taking inspiration from the vibrant colours and textures of Australia's fresh summer produce, the focus on celebrating the abundance given to us by Mother Nature was a key driver of the designs.
The result was a series of posters, post-cards, email newsletter header, graphical assets for the client's application and use on social media and publicity platforms.

Celebratory | Abundance | Summer
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